'Believer controversy' followed by altercation... PalaceDF, war of words with fans after '1-4' crushing defeat

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asked Feb 4 in Electron Microscopy by cazhino90 (880 points)

Crystal Palace defender Joachim Andersen got into an argument with fans in the stands.

Palace lost 1-4 to Brighton in the 23rd round of the 2023-24 season Premier League (PL) held at American Express Stadium in Brighton, England, at midnight on the 4th (Korea time).

It was a dominant first half for Brighton. Lewis Dunk's opening goal in the third minute gave Brighton the lead, but Jack Hinschelwood and Facundo Bunote scored in the 33rd and 34th minutes to make it 3-0. First-half possession was 76-24, with Brighton leading both in performance and in scoring.

The flow of the second half was not much different. Palace scored a consolation goal by attempting a more aggressive attack compared to the first half, but João Pedro's key goal in the final minutes of the match prevented the team from losing 1-4.

A match in which both performance and scoring were overwhelmingly dominant. Eventually, the Palace supporters, who came to cheer on the road, expressed their anger at the players. England's 'Talk Sports' reported that "fans expressed their anger by expressing their opinions as the Palace players headed to the away stands to thank them for the support."

However, it has been reported that Palace defender Andersen was involved in a dispute over the fan's anger. The media outlet said that in a video filmed by Palace fan Ryanair, Andersen was caught in a verbal altercation between goalkeeper Dean Henderson and the fan. Fans got into an argument with Andersen before Palace manager Paddy McTackie dragged him away

This is not the first time Andersen has complained to his fans. After losing 5-0 to Arsenal in round 21, Andersen asked his fans what they wanted. There was a great controversy when he was told to get out of here

After hearing the news, coach Roy Hodgson took a neutral stance. He said, "Unfortunately, I didn't see it. However, losing 1-4 is unfortunate enough, and you don't have to add to that unhappiness by arguing with disappointed people. They came here with high hopes and high hopes for victory. I can understand their frustration. However, fans should also encourage, support, and push them in the right direction from behind."




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