Fish Scale Cocaine | Buy 97% Uncut Fishscale Cocaine

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asked Dec 28, 2023 in H&E by spiceland (400 points)

Fish Scale Coke – Fish Scale Coke Cocaine
Fish Scale Coke. Real fishscale is the closest you’ll ever come to uncut yae, it’s pearly-looking, like the inside of an oyster and is in a class by itself when compared to regular, and even good coke. It IS a marketing term often enough, and back when I was into the stuff I bought what was supposed to be fishscale many times, and thought it was a myth until I did the real thing, trust me it’s like a whole other drug. Like someone said, regular/good stuff can easily be made to look like it, but once you’ve seen/done it you know it.

whatsApp/call: 812 567 6573

In overview, Fish Scale where I am is quite expensive, but I mean depending on your taste, or customer base, it might be worth it in the end. All my numbers and opinions may change based on where you are in the world, but from the last couple years up in Canada, I’ve spent enough time around this stuff that I’m comfortable with them.

whatsApp/call: 812 567 6573

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100% Pure Cocaine For Sale – Fish Scale Coke
Very high-quality cocaine, usually right off the key and uncut. Doesn’t look like regular coke—it’s flaky instead of grainy, it’s sparkly instead of dull, and it’s slightly yellow-grey instead of being plain white. Good ****, since 1 gram = ~12 lines. Numbs all the way down and gives you a case of the chills. Fish Scale Cocaine

whatsApp/call: 812 567 6573

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