Evaporative Cooler Global Market Report 2023

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asked Sep 26, 2023 in 3D Segmentation by freeamfva (39,060 points)

Evaporative Cooler Global Market Report 2023

Their adoption at data centers is increasing tremendously and further boosting the evaporative cooler market growth. For instance, in September 2021, Huawei launched an Indirect Evaporative Cooling solution at HUAWEI CONNECT 2021. The company developed this next-generation solution to upgrade air handling units (AHU) to environment handling units (EHU), which can further help reduce data center power usage effectiveness (PUE) and embrace carbon neutrality.Get more news about Evaporative Cooling System,you can vist our website!
In APAC, China is expected to provide several opportunities for the evaporative cooler market size growth during the forecast period, owing to the rise in construction activities in residential and commercial buildings across the country. Further, a few of the major office building construction projects in APAC in Q2 2022 are mentioned below:

- Bestfield Commercial Development project involves the investment of US$ 425 million for constructing three 22-story commercial towers in India .
Moreover, customers' preference is shifting from refrigerant air conditioners to water evaporative coolers to protect the environment, which is expected to boost the evaporative cooler market growth during the forecast period. Various evaporative cooler market players are introducing more advanced evaporative coolers to cater to this rising demand for the product.

For instance, in April 2021, Guangdong Symphony Keruilai Air Coolers Co., Ltd. launched a new household air cooler. Similarly, in March 2021, Thomson launched air coolers in India on Flipkart. The company has launched personal, desert, and window category air coolers in the market. Thus, rising residential and commercial construction activities and growing product developments by key evaporative cooler market players are fueling the market growth across the region.

In Europe, there is a rising adoption of evaporative coolers among commercial, residential, and industrial buildings, which is driving the evaporative cooler market in the region. The region has been facing severe heat waves for the past few years, and most buildings in the region are not equipped with air conditioners. According to European Environment Agency (EEA), heatwaves caused ~77,000-129,000 deaths in Europe in the past 40 years, representing approximately 90% of all climate-related fatalities.

The demand for evaporative coolers is increasing as it offers a cost-effective solution for space cooling without the requirement for heavy remodeling of the building. In addition, energy prices are rising tremendously due to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war in Europe. This has happened due to the reduction of the Russian gas supply in Europe. The electricity and gas prices have risen by ~15-fold since early 2021, which will severely affect residential and business operations. Thus, to have an energy-efficient cooling solution, accelerating the evaporative coolers market growing in Europe.

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