Information about Exam Dumps?

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asked Aug 18, 2022 in H&E by veridchil (120 points)

If you want to know more about the Schools Examination, please download the Guide to School Examination for Parents and Students. University students are being Guide 2 Passing recruited to mark some GCSE and A-level papers this summer, the Guardian has learned. AQA, the UK’s largest provider of academic qualifications, is inviting “postgraduates and undergraduates who have completed their first year of studies” in theology, philosophy and economics to undergo assessments in January and February, as part of a new pilot scheme. “Those who are successful will have the opportunity to join our community of examiners,” the job advertisements state. The students are being recruited “with the view to marking ... exams in the summer of 2021”. Two adverts have appeared on the King’s College London careers Exam Dumps and vacancy website, under the headings “GCSE religious studies examiner” and “A-level economics examiner”. One says: “We are seeking theology, religion and philosophy experts to mark our GCSE exams ... If successful, you will be able to mark the Christianity paper from our GCSE [religious studies] specification.”


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